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The Digital Chamber is an ACCJ project designed to leverage digital technologies to enhance the member experience.

Broadly speaking, the project is focused on giving you improved access to and control over:

  • your relationship with ACCJ, including communications, access to events, committee membership and membership administration; and

  • your relationships with other members, including member-to-member communications and information sharing.

The project is directed by member input and interest. We’ve started by re-launching our website to offer improved functionality and a proper events calendar.

And we’re already working on simplified event registration, remote access to in-person events, and better control over your membership profile — but where we go from here is up to you.

This page is one way we gather member input to prioritize and define our digital projects - and we’d love to hear from you.

Help shape your Digital Chamber

Tell us what you think of the ideas listed in the sections below, or submit your suggestions for the project.

Idea: Give members the option to attend ACCJ events in person or access them remotely via videoconference.

ACCJ webinars have been very popular during the COVID-19 Crisis. Members have told us they’ve been able to attend more events than ever before due to the flexibility, spontaneity and convenience offered by remote access.

This idea would give Committee Leaders the option of providing remote access to any Committee Meeting or Event, large or small, open or closed.

Members attending remotely would be charged a nominal fee to offset the cost of providing access and to create a fair balance between members paying to attend in person and those accessing remotely.

Idea: Receive digital invoices from ACCJ and pay them online

This feature would give members the option to receive digital invoices for annual dues and monthly charges. Invoices could be paid via traditional methods or online. The information and details contained in the invoices would be the same as the versions that are printed and mailed.

Idea: Set a reminder for events you might be interested in, but aren’t ready to register

Sometimes you see a notice for an interesting ACCJ event, but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to available to participate.

This feature would add an option to our Events Calendar to allow members to set a reminder: simply provide an email address and a date, and we’ll send you a note on the day you specify to remind you to register for that event.

Idea: Give members the option to receive a digital version of The Journal instead of the printed magazine.

This one’s already been implemented - just use the form to choose a digital subscription.

Subscribe to the Digital ACCJ Journal

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