Ambassador Christopher LaFleur Appointed ACCJ Chairman
Ambassador Christopher LaFleur, Senior Director for Japan at McLarty Associates, has been appointed ACCJ Chairman.

2024 Marriage Equality Viewpoint
The ACCJ has updated its landmark Viewpoint to Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan.

ACCJ Partners with CIC Venture Cafe’s “Community Campus”
The ACCJ is partnering with CIC Venture Cafe Tokyo’s Community Campus, an education program aimed at entrepreneurship support.

SelectUSA Japan x ACCJ HxD Exclusive Pitch Event
Joined by U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, the joint Commercial Service office in Japan and ACCJ Healthcare x Digital (HxD) initiative hosted a pitch event for startups in the lead up to the SelectUSA Investment Summit.

Om Prakash Appointed ACCJ Chairman
Om Prakash, Chief Executive for Northrop Grumman Japan, has been appointed ACCJ Chairman.